Several sample listings of the folknames and names for North American birds:

from the book North American Bird Folknames and Names

by James K. Sayre

Copyright, 1996. All Rights Reserved.


Modern Name: Common Loon

Scientific Name: Garia immer

Folknames and Names: Big Diver, Big Hell-diver, Big Loon, Black-billed Loon, Buna Chuachaill, Burbhuachaille, Call-up-a-storm, Ember Goose, Grand Plongeon, Grand Plongeur, Great Northern Diver, Greenhead, Grosa Wosser, Guinea Duck, Hell-diver, Huard, Huard a Collier, Huart, Hurleur, Imber Diver, Inland Loon, Loo, Loom, Loon, Plongeon, Plongeon a Collier, Plongeur a Collier, Pond Loon, Riche-poom, Ring-necked Loon, Salt-water Loon, Scaloighter, Sheep Loon, Spotted Loo, Toadlie, Walloon, War-loo, War-loon, White-throated Loo.


Modern Name: Leach's Storm-petrel

Scientific Name: Oceanodroma leucorhoa

Folknames and Names: Carey, Carey Chick, Chicken, Common Fork-tailed Petrel, Golondrina de Mar, Kerry Chicken, Leach's Fork-tailed Petrel, Leach's Petrel, Mother Carew's Chicken, Mother Carey's Chick, Mother Carey's Chicken, Mother Cary's Chicken, Pall Carey, Pamperito, Pamperito Rabo Horquillado, White-rumped Petrel.


Modern Name: Anhinga

Scientific Name: Anhinga anhinga

Folknames and Names: American Darter, Bec-a-lancette, Bec-a-lancette-des-bois, Black Darter, Black-bellied Darter, Corua Real, Darter, Gannet, Marbella, Snakebird, Water Turkey, White-bellied Darter.


Modern Name: Magnificent Frigatebird

Scientific Name: Fregata magnificens

Folknames and Names: Cobbler, Fregate, Frigate Bird, Frigate Pelican, Gull Hawk, Hurricane Bird, Man-o-war, Man-o'-war-bird, Queue en-Cisseaux, Rabihorcado, Rabijorcado, Scissors-tail, Spanish Man-of-war, Tijerilla, Tijereta, Weather Bird.


Modern Name: Great Blue Heron

Scientific Name: Ardea herodias

Folknames and Names: Ars-nicker, Big Cranky, Blue Crane, Blue Gaulin, Blue John, Butor, Common Blue Crane, Common Crane, Corr, Corra-ghritheach, Couac, Crabier Noir, Crane, Fish Crane, Garcilote, Garzon Azulado, Garzon Blanco, Garzon Ceniciento, Garzon Cenizo, Gironde, Gray Crane, Gray Gaulin, Great Heron Blue, Grey Gaulin, Grue, Guardacosta, Hamlet-bud Dem, Hamlin, Hern, Heron, Heron Bleu, Heron Brun, Jackerne, Long John, Long Tom, Major, Morgan, Northwestern Coast Heron, Po Job, Po Joe, Poor Joe, Preacher, Red-shouldered Heron, San Joie, The "Major", Treganza's Heron, Ward Heron, Water Crane.


Modern Name: American Bittern

Scientific Name: Botaurus lentiginosus

Folknames and Names: Barrel-maker, Bill-gudgeon, Biorque, Bittern, Bog-bull, Bog Hen, Bog-pumping Hell-driver, Bog-trotter, Buncom, Butor, Butter-bird, Butterbump, Corker, Cou Long, Devil's Pump, Flying Fox, Fly-up-the-creek, Fool Fowl, Garde-soleil, Gros-bec-a-gilet, Indian Hen, Indian Pullet, Jack Grindle, Jeune Grue, Look-up, Marsh Hen, Meadow Hen, Mire Drum, Mud Hen, Mud Pump, Mud Pumper, Oomptah, Pile-driver, Pine-knot, Plumgudgeon, Poke, Pond Guinea, Pump Bird, Pumper, Pump-thunder, Punkatunk, Quac, Rice Lake Bittern, Scoggin, Shitipoke, Sky-gazer, Slough Pump, Slough Punk, Stake-bird, Stake-driver, Sun-gazer, Thunder-pump, Thunder Pumper, Visionnaire, Water-belcher, Weed Hen, Yaboa Americana.


Modern Name: Canada Goose

Scientific Name: Branta canadensis

Folknames and Names: Awicher Yager, Bay Goose, Bernache, Big Canada, Big Goose, Big Gray Brant, Big Gray Goose, Big Honker, Big Mexican Goose, Bisk-a-sish, Black Brandt, Black Head, Black-headed Goose, Blackie, Blackleg, Black-necked Goose, Brant, Brillard, Bullneck, Bustard, Cackler, Cackling Goose, California Goose, Calling Goose, Canada Brant, Canada Hooker, Canadian Goose, Common Canada Goose, China Goose, Chornie Goose, Common Wild Goose, Cravat Goose, Crow Goose, Crybaby, Eastern Brandt, Eskimo Goose, Fall Goose, Flight Goose, French Goose, Goose Brandt, Gray Goose, Great Basin Goose, Greaser, Grey, Grey-bellied Goose, Grey Goose, Grey Mud Goose, Giadh Fiadh, Gronker, Honker, Honker Goose, Hounds, Hunker, Hunter, Husky Goose, Hutchins's Goose, La Barnache, Labrador Goose, Lesser Canada Goose, Little Bustard, Little Canada, Little Grey Goose, Little Honker, Little Squeaking Goose, Little Wavey, Long-necked Goose, Mershon Goose, Mexican Goose, Mud Goose, Nigger Goose, Northern Goose, Oie Canadienne, Oie Sauvage, Old Honker, Outarde, Piron, Prairie Goose, Reef Goose, Richardson's Goose, Ring-neck, Ring-neck Goose, Schna Gons, Short-necked Goose, Small Goose, Southern Goose, Trader, Wavey, Western Canada Goose, Whistler, White Cheek, White-cheeked Goose, White-chin, Wild Goose, Wild Wavey, Wilte Gons, Winter Goose, Yelper.


Modern Name: Mallard

Scientific Name: Anas platyhynchos

Folknames and Names: Black Duck, Canard Francais, Canard Gris, Canard Ordinaire, Canard Sauvage, Common Mallard, Common Wild Duck, Curly-tail, Domestic Duck, Duck-and-Teal, English Duck, French Duck, French Stock Duck, Frosty-beak, Gibier Gris, Gray Duck, Gray Mallard, Green Mallard, Greentop, Greenhead, Greenhead Mallard, Grey Stock Duck, Greenhead, Green-neck, Ice-breaker, Ice Duck, Ice Mallard, Irish Mallard, Mallard Duck, Northern Mallard, Pato de Collar, Pato Ingles, Prairie Mallard, Red-legged Mallard, Redlegs, Ringneck, Snow Mallard, Sookie, Stock Duck, Stubble Duck, Susies, Twister, Whistler, Wild Drake, Wild Duck, Wild Mallard, Wilte Ent, Yellow-leg Duck, Yellow-legged Mallard, Yellowlegs.


Modern Name: Harlequin Duck

Scientific Name: Histrionicus histrionicus

Folknames and Names: Blue-streak, Canard de Baie, Canard des Roches, Cane de Roche, Circus Duck, Hell-diver, Imp, Jenny, Lord-and-lady, Lord and Lady Bird, Lords and Ladies, Mountain Duck, Old Lord, Painted Duck, Pie Duck, Rock Duck, Sea Pheasant, Sea Mouse, Sea Pigeon, Squealer, Wood Duck.


Modern Name: Oldsquaw

Scientific Name: Clangula hyemalis

Folknames and Names: Aleck, Alewife, Cacouy, Calloo, Canard a Longue Queue, Cockawee, Coween, Granny, Hell's Chicken, Hound, Indian Duck, Injun Duck, Jackowly, John Connolly, Kakawi, Kla-how-ya, Long-tail, Long-tailed Duck, Long-tailed Squaw, Old Billy, Old Granny, Old Injun, Old Molly, Old Squaw, Old Wife, Organ Duck, Pigeon, Pine-knot, Pintail, Quandy, Scoldenore, Scolder, Singing Duck, Siwash, Siwash Duck, Scolder, Sou-easterly, South-southerly, Souwester, Squaw, Squaw Duck, Squeaking Duck, Swallow-tailed Duck, Uncle Huldy, Winter Duck.


Modern Name: Turkey Vulture

Scientific Name: Cathartes aura

Folknames and Names: Aura Comun, Aura Tinosa, Buzzard, Carencro Tete Rouge, Carrion Crow, Jamaica Turkey, John Crow, John Crow Headman, John Crow Vulture, King Crow, Luder Awdler, Luder Fogel, Luder Krop, Osa, Osfogel, Red-headed Turkey-buzzard, Red-necked Buzzard, Turkey Buzzard, Wild Turkey.


Modern Name: Red-tailed Hawk

Scientific Name: Buteo jamaicensis

Folknames and Names: Aguililla Colirrufa, Alaska Red-tail, Black Red-tail, Black Warrior, Boy, Buzzard, Buzzard Hawk, Chicken Hawk, Clamhan, Eastern Redtail, Gopher Hawk, Guaraguao Colirrojo, Harlan Hawk, Harlan's Buzzard, Harlan's Hawk, Harlan's Red-tailed Hawk, Hen Hawk, Hinkelwoi, Krider Hawk, Krider's Hawk, Lechuza, Mouse Hawk, Pee-ank, Red Hawk, Redtail, Red-tailed Buzzard, Sparrow Hawk, Squealer, Western Redtail, Western Red-tailed Buzzard, White-breasted Chicken Hawk, Woi.


Modern Name: Bald Eagle

Scientific Name: Haliacetus leycocephalus

Folknames and Names: Aigle a Tete Blanche, Alaska Bald Eagle, American Eagle, Awdler, Bald-headed Eagle, Black Eagle, Brown Eagle, Common Eagle, Fior-eun, Fish Eagle, Fishing Eagle, Gray Eagle, Great American Sea Eagle, Grepe, Iolair, Nonne, Northern Bald Eagle, Old Patriarch, Sea Eagle, Washington Eagle, White-headed Eagle, White-headed Sea Eagle, Bird of Washington.


Modern Name: American Kestrel

Scientific Name: Falco sparverius

Folknames and Names: American Sparrow Hawk, Bastard Hawk, Bullet Hawk, Chicken Hawk, Cleek Cleek, Cliff Hawk, Dauwa Shdosser, Dauwa Woi, Desert Sparrow Hawk, Emerillon, Falcon Comun, Grasshopper Hawk, Halcon Cernicalo, House Hawk, Kestrel, Killey Hawk, Killy Hawk, Killy-killy, Little Brown Hawk, Little Sparrow Hawk, Mangeur de Poule, Mangeur Poulets, Merieleon, Mouse Hawk, Peregreve, Rusty-crowned Falcon, Shdos Fogel, Shdos Woi, Sparrow Hawk, Speireag, Short-winged Hawk, Tilly, Windhover, Wood Bird.


Modern Name: Ruffed Grouse

Scientific Name: Bonasa umbellus

Folknames and Names: Birch Partridge, Bircher, Brown Grouse, Brown Partridge, Brush Partridge, Bush Partridge, Canada Ruffed Grouse, Canadian Partridge, Carpenter Bird, Cearc-thomain, Chicken, Common Partridge, Copper-rufferd Partridge, Drummer, Drumming Grouse, Drumming Pheasant, Fesond, French Hen, Gray Ruffed Grouse, Grey Partridge, Grouse, Hardwood Partridge, Moor Fowl, Mountain Pheasant, Oregon Ruffed Grouse, Partridge, Pheasant, Perdrix, Perdrix Bois Franc, Perdrix Franche, Perdrix Grise, Pine Hen, Pine Pheasant, Quail, Red Grouse, Red-ruffed Partridge, Ruffed Heathcock, Ruffled Grouse, Shoulder-knot Grouse, Spring Drummer, Spruce Partridge, Tippet, White-fleshed Partridge, White-flesher, White-meat Partridge, Willow Grouse, Willow Partridge, Wood Grouse, Wood Hen, Woodpile Quarker, Woods Pheasant.


Modern Name: Turkey

Scientific Name: Meleagris gallopavo

Folknames and Names: American Turkey, American Wild Turkey, Bronze Turkey, Cocoano, Cocono, Common Wild Turkey, Coq d'Inde, Dinde Saurage, Dindon, Eastern Turkey, Florida Wild Turkey, Gallina de la Tierra, Ganso, Gobbler, Guajalote, Guajolote, Guijalo, Merriam Turkey, Northern Turkey, Palahu, Peacock, Pelehu, Plain Turkey, Poule d'Inde, Rio Grande Turkey, Torque, Turkey Gobbler, Wild Turkey, Wilte Welshhinkel, Wood Turkey.

*introduced into Hawai'ian Islands: (Hawai'i, Lana'i, Maui, Moloika'i, Niihau).



Modern Name: American Coot

Scientific Name: Fulica americana

Folknames and Names: Alae Ke 'oke'o, American Coot, Baldface, Bald-face Coot, Black Fish-duck, Blue Hen, Blue Pete, Blue Peter, Common Coot, Coot, Crow-bill, Crow-duck, Fish Duck, Flusterer, Fool Hen, Freshwater Coot, Gallareta Americana, Gallinazo Americano, Hell-diver, Hen-bill, Ivory-billed Coot, Louse Bird, Marsh Hen, Meadow Hen, Moor-head, Mud Coot, Mud Duck, Mud Hen, Pelick, Pond Crow, Pond Hen, Poule d' Eau, Poule de Marais, Pull-doo, Republican, Rice Hen, Sea-crow, Spatterer, Shdink Ent, Shuffler, Water Chicken, Water Fowl, Water Hen, White-bellied Mud Hen, White Bill, White-faced Duck, White-seal Coot, Wosserhund.

*introduced into Hawai'ian Islands (Kaua'i, O'ahu, Moloka'i, Maui, Hawai'i).


Modern Name: Killdeer

Scientific Name: Charadrius vociferus

Folknames and Names: Braillard, Chattering Plover, Chorlito Tildio, Cou Collier, Corbijou, Field Plover, Gilderee, Gilleree, Jacksnipe, Killdee, Killdeer Plover, Marsh-hawk, Meadow Plover, Mosquito Hawk, Noisy Plover, Pasturebird, Playero Sabanero, Ploward, Pouvier Dore, Ringneck, Ring-neck Plover, Sand-runner, Soldier Bird, Tell-tale Killdeer, Tilderee, Tip-up.


Modern Name: Ruddy Turnstone

Scientific Name: Arenaria interpres

Folknames and Names: Akekeke, Bead-bird, Bishop Plover, Brant-bird, Brown Bird, Calico-back, Calico Bird, Calico Jacket, Calico Plover, Caraquet Plover, Checkered Snipe, Chicken, Chicken-bird Turnstone, Chicken Plover, Chickling, Chuckatuck, Common Turnstone, Creddock, Fat-oxen, Horsefoot Snipe, Jinny, King-crab Bird, Pied Plover, Playero Turco, Red-legged Plover, Red-legs, Redshank, Rock-bird, Rock Plover, Stone-pecker, Streaked-back, Tourne-pierre, Whale Bird.

*native to Hawai'ian Islands (main islands)


Modern Name: American Woodcock

Scientific Name: Philohela minor

Folknames and Names: Becasse, Becasse de Nuit, Becasse des Bois, Becassine, Big-eyes, Big-headed Snipe, Big Mud Snipe, Big Snipe, Blind Snipe, Bog-bird, Bog-borer, Bogsucker, Cache-cache Rouge, Cock, English Snipe, Grosa Brouna Shneb, Hookum Pake, Laborador Twister, Mudhen, Mudsnipe, Night Partridge, Night Peck, Pewee, Schneb, Siphon Snipe, Snipe, Snipe Owl, Timber-doodle, Whistler, Whistling Red Snipe, Whistling Snipe, Woodcock, Wood Hen, Wood Snipe.


Modern Name: Common Puffin

Scientific Name: Fratercula artica

Folknames and Names: Atlantic Puffin, Baccalieu Bird, Balgan Beiceach, Bottle-nose, Coulterner, Fachach, Greenland Parrot, Hatchet-bill, Hatchet-face, Laborador Auk, Laborador Parrot, Large-billed Puffin, Parakeet, Parrot, Parrot-bill Murr, Perroquet, Perroquet de Mer, Pope, Puffin, Puffin Auk, Sea Parrot, Tammy Norie, Tammy Nory, Tinker.


Modern Name: Rock Dove

Scientific Name: Columba livia

Folknames and Names: Blue Rock, Blue Rock Pigeon, Carrier Pigeon, Common Pigeon, Coo, Domestic Pigeon, Dove, Feral Pigeon, Homing Pigeon, Paloma Casera, Pigeon, Rock Pigeon, Squab Pigeon, Street Pigeon, Wild Pigeon.

*introduced into the Hawai'ian Islands (Hawai'i, Kaua'i, Lana'i, Maui, Moloka'i, O'ahu).



Modern Name: Mourning Dove

Scientific Name: Zenaidura macroura

Folknames and Names: Carolina Dove, Colombe Sauvage, Dord'l Doub, Dove, Fifi, Long-tail Pea Dove, Moaning Dove, Paloma, Paloma Huilota, Pigeon Sauvage, Rabiche, Tortola, Tortola Rabilarga, Tourte, Tourterelle, Tourterelle Queue-fine, Turtle Dove, Wild Dove, Wild Pigeon, Wood Dove, Wood Pigeon.

*introduced into the Hawai'ian Islands (Hawai'i).


Modern Name: Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Scientific Name: Coccyzus americanus

Folknames and Names: Arrierito, Arriero Chico, Boba, California Cuckoo, Carga Agua, Chow-chow, Coffin Bird, Coucon Manioe, Coucou, Cow Bird, Cuckoo, Four o'Clock Bird, Gangan, Grand Queue, Guacaira, Gukuk, Kow-kow, Longue Queue, Mani-coco, May Bird, Pajaro Bobo, Pajaro Bobo Piquiamarillo, Petit Tacot, Primavera, Rain Bird, Rain Crow, Rain Dove, Raya Fogel, Storm Crow, Western Cuckoo, Wild Pigeon.


Modern Name: Smooth-billed Ani

Scientific Name: Crotophaga ani

Folknames and Names: Ani, Bilbitin, Black Daw, Black Parakeet, Black Parrot, Black Witch, Bouts-Tabac, Chapman Bird, Corbeau, Cuban Parrot, Death-bird, Judio, Juif, Garrapatero, Long-tailed Crow, Merle Corbeau, Old Arnold, Old Slut, Parrot Blackbird, Savanna Blackbird, Tick Bird, Voodoo Bird.


Modern Name: Roadrunner

Scientific Name: Geococcyx californianus

Folknames and Names: Chaparral Cock, Churca, Correo del Camino, Correcaminos Norteno, Cock of the Desert, Greater Roadrunner, Ground Cuckoo, Lizard Bird, Paisano, Snake Killer, Correcamino.


Modern Name: Common Barn Owl

Scientific Name: Tyto alba

Folknames and Names: American Barn Owl, Barn Owl, Chat-huant, Church Owl, Death Bird, Death Owl, Eil, Frezaic, Golden Owl, Grass Owl, Hibou Paille, Jumbie Bird, Lechuza, Monkey-faced Owl, Monkey-face Owl, Monkey-faced Owl, Monkey Owl, Night Owl, Owl, Patoo, Rat Owl, Screech Owl, Scritch Owl, Sheier Eil, Steeple Owl, Stone Owl, Straw Owl, White Owl, Tawny Owl.

*Introduced to the Hawai'ian Islands (Hawai'i, Kaua'i, Lana'i, Maui, Moloka'i, O'ahu)


Modern Name: Great Horned Owl

Scientific Name: Bubo virginanus

Folknames and Names: Arctic Horned Owl, Big Hoot Owl, Big Owl, Buho Cornado Americano, Cailleach-oidhche, Cat Owl, Cave-duc, Chaoin, Chat-huant, Chicken Owl, Common Owl, Duc, Dusty Horned Owl, Dwarf Horned Owl, Eagle Owl, Eared Owl, Eil, Grand Duck, Grand Hibou, Grosa Eil, Guibou, Harn Aowl, Hibou, Hibou Corne, Hoot Owl, Horn Coot, Horned Owl, Horn Owl, Labrador Horned Owl, King Owl, Meat Owl, Nocht Eil, Pacific Horned Owl, Pallid Horned Owl, Saint Michael Horned Owl, Screech Owl, Tiger of the Air, Virginia Horned Owl, Virginia Owl, Western Horned Owl, White Owl.



Modern Name: Common Night Hawk

Scientific Name: Chordeiles minor

Folknames and Names: Booming Nighthawk, Booming Swallow, Bull-bat, Burnt-land Bird, Capacho, Chouette, Crapaud Volant, Engoulevent, Epervier de Nuit, Furze, Furzet, Gaspayo, Gie-me-me-bit, Goatsucker, Goatsucker of Carolina, Hawk, Killydadick, Long-winged Goatsucker, Mangeur Maringouins, Mange-maringouin, Mosquito Bird, Mosquito Catcher, Mosquito Hawk, Moth Hawk, Nighthawk, Night-jar, Peut-on-voir, Piramidig, Pisk, Pork'n'Beans, Querequeque, Querequeque Migratorio, Querequete, Seabhag Oidche, Swooper, Wib'rwil, Wib'rewil, Will-o'-the-Wisp.



Modern Name: Ruby-throated Hummingbird

Scientific Name: Archilochus colubris

Folknames and Names: Common Hummingbird, Colibri, Draund-eun, Fly, Honey Bird, Honey-sucker, Hummer, Hummingbird, Le Colibri, Mange-maringouins, Oiseau Mouche, Ruby-throat, Shnaffag'le, Shnarrfagle, Suceur de Fleur.


Modern Name: Belted Kingfisher

Scientific Name: Ceryle alcyon

Folknames and Names: Blue Diver, Cruidein, Fishroyer, Fly-up-the-creek, Halcyon, Kingfisher, Kingfisherman, Lazy-bird Halcyon, Martin Pecheur, Martin Pescador, Martin Pescador Norteno, Martin Plongeur, Martin Zambullidor, Murlach, Pajaro del Rey, Peche-martin, Pecheur, Pie, Pitirre de Agua, Pitirre de Mangle, Pitirre de Rio, Plongeur, Ringneck, Sanglode, The Halcyon.


Modern Name: Flicker

Scientific Name: Colaptes auratus

Folknames and Names: Antbird, Ant Woodchuck, Big Sapsucker, Big Woodpecker, Black-heart Woodpecker, Boreal Flicker, Buidheag Bhuachair, Carpintero, Carpintero Coll Rejo, Carpintero Escapulario, Carpintero Ribero, Cave-duc, Clape, Claype, Common Flicker, Cotton-backed Yellowhammer, Cotton-rump, Cotton-tail, Crescent-bird, Eastern Flicker, English Woodpecker, Fiddler, Flicker, Flicker Woodpecker, Flitter, French Woodpecker, Gaffer Woodpecker, Gaffle Woodpecker, Gale Shbecht, Gallie, Gel Specht, Gelb Specht, Golden Sapsucker, Golden-shafted Flicker, Golden-shafted Woodpecker, Golden-wing, Golden-winged Flicker, Golden-winged Woodpecker, Gold-wing Woodpecker, Golden-wing Woodpecker, Gold-winged Woodpecker, Golden Woodpecker, Golden-winged Woodcock, Gold Woodpecker, Grasshopper Woodpecker, Gree Shbecht, Hairy-wicket, Harry-wicket, Hammer-head, He-hi-holder, Heigh-ho, Hexa Shbecht, Hick-wall, High-hole, High-holer, High-hold, High-holder, High-ho Woodpecker, Higholder, Hittock, Hittocks, Hittuck, Hivel, Hybrid Flicker, Jaune, Joune, Le pic aux ailes dores, Little Woodchuck, Meadow Partridge, Missouri Red-moustashed Woodpecker, Mo-ning-qua-na, Northern Flicker, O-hi-o, Ome-tuc, On-thee-quan-nor-ow, O-zaw-wan-day Paw-Paw-say, Partridge Woodpecker, Paw-Paw-say, Paw-Paw-say-og, Peckwood, Peckerwood, Peerit, Pee-ut, Pe-up, Pic-a-bois, Pique-bois Dore, Picque-bois-jaune, Pic Dore, Pie-bis, Pie-bris, Pigeon, Pigeon Woodpecker, Pink-throat, Picque-bois-jaune, Piut, Pi-ute, Pivart, Poule de Bois, Rain Bird, Rain Fowl, Rampike, Red-shafted Flicker, Sapsuck, Sapsucker, Shad-spirit, Sharp-billed Flicker, Silver Dollar Bird, Spotted Woodpecker, Sucker, Specht, Speckt, Speight, Spright, Southern Flicker, Southern Woodpecker, Talpa-na-ni, Taping-bird, Tree-pecker, Wa-cup, Wah-cup, Walk-up, Wake-up, Wa-wup, Weather Bird, Weather-hen, Wheeler, Whittaker, Wild Hen, Will Crisson, Winter Robin, Woodchuck, Woodcock, Wood-lark, Woodpeck, Woodpecker, Woodpicker, Woodpecker Lark, Wood Pigeon, Wood-quoi, Wood-wall, Xebec, Yacker, Yecker, Yucker, Yaffle, Yallow Wheeler, Yallow Whicker, Yarrup, Yarup, Yar-rup, Yawker Bird, Yaw-up, Yellow Flicker, Yellowhammer, Yellow-hammer High-hole, Yellerhammer, Yallerhammer, Yellow-'ammer, Yellow Jay, Yellow-shafted Flicker, Yellow-shafted Woodpecker, Yellow-winged Woodpecker, Yellow Wing, Yellow-winged Sapsucker, Yellow-winged Woodcock, Yellow Woodpecker, Zebec.


Modern Name: Pileated Woodpecker

Scientific Name: Dryocopus pileatus

Folknames and Names: Big Black Woodpecker, Black Logcock, Black Woodpecker, Carpenter Bird, Cock of the North, Cock of the Woods, Cock-o'-the-woods, Coq, Coq de Bruyere, Coq des Bois, Crow-with-the-hard-face, Devil's Woodpecker, Field Officer, Giant Woodpecker, Good-god, Good God Woodpecker, Grand Pique-bois, Great Black Woodpecker, Gros Pie, Huls Hock, Indian Hen, Large Red-headed Woodpecker, Laughing Woodpecker, Logcock, Log-cock Woodchuck, Log-god, Lord God Woodpecker, Northern Pileated Woodpecker, Pic, Pie a Tete Escarlate, Pic a Tete Rouge, Pic Bois, Pie, Pique Bois, Poule de Bois, Rain Crow, Redhead, Red-headed Woodpecker, Wood Cock, Woodchuck, Wood Hen, Wood Kate.



Modern Name: Red-headed Woodpecker

Scientific Name: Melanerpes erythrocephalus

Folknames and Names: Flag Bird, Half-a-shirt, Jelly Coat, Patriotic Bird, Pic-a-bois, Pique-bois a Tete Rouge, Red-head, Rodkup, Rodkuppicher Shbecht, Shbecht, Shirt-tail, Shirttail Bird, Tri-color, Tricolore, Tri-colored Woodpecker, White-shirt, Whitewing, Woodcock, Woodpicker.


Modern Name: Eastern Kingbird

Scientific Name: Tyrannus tyrannus

Folknames and Names: Barteur de Corbeaux, Bee Bird, Bee-eater, Bee Martin, Black Grasset, Butcher Bird, Eemafresser, Eema Woi, Field Martin, Flycatcher, Fouetteur de Corbeau, Fouetteur de Corville, Gros Grasset, Killer Bird, Kingbird, Mangeur D'abeilles, Tertri, Tritri, Tyrant Flycatcher.


Modern Name: Horned Lark

Scientific Name: Eremphila alpestris

Folknames and Names: Alouette Corne, California Horned Lark, Desert Horned Lark, Dusty Horned Lark, Grey Bird, Ground Bird, Hoyt Horned Lark, Island Horned Lark, Life Bird, Low Bird, Luatharan, Montezuma Horned Lark, Mud Lark, Northern Horned Lark, Ortolan, Prairie Bird, Prairie Horned Lark, Pallid Horned Lark, Quaker, Road Chippie, Road Lark, Road Trotter, Ruddy Horned Lark, Scorched Horned Lark, Shore Lark, Skylark, Spring Bird, Streaked Horned Lark, Texan Horned Lark, Wheat Bird, Winter Horned Lark.


Modern Name: Blue Jay

Scientific Name: Cyanocitta cristata

Folknames and Names: Blue Coat, Common Jay, Corn Thief, Florida Blue Jay, Gudhaar, Heckert, Herrafogel, Jay, Jay-bird, Nest Robber, Northern Jay, Southern Jay.


Modern Name: Gray Jay

Scientific Name: Perisoreus canadenis

Folknames and Names: Alaska Jay, Butcher Bird, Butcher's Boy, Camp Bird, Camp Robber, Canada Jay, Carrion Bird, Cat Bird, Cat Jay, Coastal Gray Jay, Deer Hunter, Dumb Jay, Eun Gorm, Geai, Geai Bleu, Gorby, Grease Bird, Grey Jay, Gut-eater, Hudson Bay Bird, Jay-bird, Jay-jack, Lumberjack, Magpie, Meat Bird, Meat Hawk, Meat Jay, Mohawk, Molly Bird, Moon Bird, Moose Bird, Oregon Gray Jay, Oregon Jay, Pie, Pigheid, Potato Bird, Rocky Mountain Jay, Screuch Ancoille, Snow Bird, Tallow Bird, Thief, Venison Jay, Whiskey Jack, Whiskey John.


Modern Name: American Crow

Scientific Name: Corvus brachyrhynchos

Folknames and Names: California Crow, Carrion Crow, Caw, Common Crow, Corbeau, Creamhach, Crow, Crow Bird, Eastern Crow, Fitheach, Florida Crow, Grob, Jim Crow, Kraa, Krop, Northwestern Crow, Otter Crow, Raven, Rocais, Rook, Southern Crow, Western Crow, Corn-Thief.


Modern Name: Black-capped Chickadee

Scientific Name: Parus atricapillus

Folknames and Names: Black-capped Tit, Black-capped Titmouse, Black-cap Tit, Blackhead Chickadee, Chickadee, Common Chickadee, Eastern Chickadee, Florida Chickadee, Long-tailed Chickadee, Mesange, Oregon Chickadee, Phoebe, Pig-a-pee, P'tit Pin-pin, Qui-es-tu, Sow-the-wheat, Sweet Weather Bird, Tchicadee, Tchick-a-didi, Thick-a-di-di, Tiny Mite, Tit, Titmouse, Tom-tee, Tom-tit, Western Black-capped Chickadee, Yukon Chickadee.


Modern Name: House Wren

Scientific Name: Troglodytes aedon

Folknames and Names: Apache Wren, Brown Wren, Common Wren, God Bird, Jenny Wren, Mangeur de Gadelles, Mouskanich, Pacific House Wren, Oiseau Bon Dieu, Parkman's Wren, Rock Bird, Roitelet, Roitelet de Maison, Rossignol, Short-tailed House Wren, Short-tailed Wren, Stump Wren, Wall Bird, Western Wren, Western House Wren, Wood Wren, Wren, Zaw Shlibber, Zounshlibber.



Modern Name: Robin

Scientific Name: Merula migratoria

Folknames and Names: American Robin, Blackbird, Canada Robin, Carolian Robin, Common Robin, Fieldfare, Grive, Grive Rouge, Merle, Migratory Thrush, Mirlo Norteamericano, Northern Robin, Omshel, Redbird, Redbreast, Red-breasted Mockingbird, Red-breasted Thrush, Robin Redbreast, Roi, Rouge-gorge, San Lucas Robin, Smeorach, Southern Robin, Western Robin, Zoral Pechirrojo.


Modern Name: Hermit Thrush

Scientific Name: Turdus aonalashkoe pallasii

Folknames and Names: American Nightingale, Cathedral Bird, Evening Bird, Flute, Hautbois, Little Thrush, Merle, Night Bird, Nightingale, Rain Bird, Rossignol, Rufous-tailed Thrush, Solitary Thrush, Swamp Angel, Swamp Robin.


Modern Name: Mockingbird

Scientific Name: Mimus polyglottus

Folknames and Names: Centzontle Aliblanco, English Thrasher, Jamaica Nightingale, Northern Mockingbird, Mimic Thrush, Mock Bird, Mocker, Mocking Thrush, Nightingale, Rossignol, Ruisenor, Sinsonte, Sinsonte Norteno, The Singing Bird.

*introduced into the Hawai'ian Islands (Hawai'i, Kaua'i, Lana'i, Maui, Moloka'i, Maui, O'ahu)


Modern Name: Catbird

Scientific Name: Dumetalla carolinenis

Folknames and Names: Black-capped Thrush, Black Mockingbird, Black Thrush, Cat Flycatcher, Chat, Chicken Bird, Gray Catbird, Kotsafogel, Lazy Bird, Mary Bird, Merle Chat, Mockingbird, Oiseau-chat, Slate-colored Mockingbird, Taylor-made Bird, Zorzal Gato.


Modern Name: Brown Thrasher

Scientific Name: Toxostonia rufum

Folknames and Names: Brown Mocker, Brown Mocking Bird, Brown Thrush, Cane-bird, Death Bird, Drush'l, Drushdel, Fox-colored Thrush, French Mocking Bird, Grive Rousse, Ground Thrush, Mavis, Mockingbird, Planting Bird, Red Mavis, Red Thrush, Robin, Sandy Mocker, Sandy Mockingbird, Shpottfogel, Song Thrush, Thrasher.


Modern Name: Cedar Waxwing

Scientific Name: Bombycilla cedrorum

Folknames and Names: Apple Bird, Basque, Blockhead, Blossom Bird, Canada Robin, Canadian Robin, Carolina Waxwing, Cedar Bird, Cherry-bird, Cherry Robin, Cherry Waxwing, Comb-wing Bird, Huppe, Lesser Waxwing, Mangeur de Cerises, Picotera, Recellet, Recollet, Spider Bird, Southern Waxwing.


Modern Name: Northern Shrike

Scientific Name: Lanius excubitor

Folknames and Names: Butcher Bird, Devil's Bird, Devil's Whiskey-jack, Ecorcheur, Great Gray Shrike, Great Northern Shrike, Joy-killer, Mockingbird, Nine Killer, Northern Butcher Bird, Northwestern Shrike, Pie Boreale, Silky Jay, Whiskey Jack, White Jay, White Whiskijohn, Winter Butcher Bird, Winter Shrike.


Modern Name: European Starling

Scientific Name: Sturnus vulgaris

Folknames and Names: Church Martin, Common Starling, English Starling, Estornino, Etourneau, Starling.

* introduced into the Hawai'ian Islands (O'ahu)


Modern Name: Black-and-white Warbler

Scientific Name: Mniotilta varia

Folknames and Names: Anse-bird, Ant Bird, Ant-eater, Ants Bird, Ants Picker, Bijirita Trepadora, Black-and-white Creeper, Black-and-white Creeping Warbler, Blue-and-white Pied Creeper, Blue-and-white Striped Creeper, Christmas Bird, Creeper, Creeping Warbler, Japanese Canary, Madras, Mi-Deuil, Reinita Trepadora, Striped Warbler, Tree Creeper, Varied Creeping Warbler, Whitepoll Warbler.


Modern Name: Yellow Warbler

Scientific Name: Dendroica petechia

Folknames and Names: Bastard Canary, Blue-eyed Yellow Warbler, Canario, Canario de Manglar, Canario de Mangle, Canary, Canary Bird, Chippin' Chick, Didine, Fauvette Jaune, Golden Warbler, Mangrove Canary, Mangrove Warbler, Oiseau Jaune, Petit-jaune, Rossignol, Seaside Canary, Serin Sauvage, Spider Bird, Sucrier Barbade, Sucrier Mangle, Summer Warbler, Summer Yellowbird, Thumb Bird, Toute Jaune, Wild Canary, Willow Warbler, Yellow Titmouse, Yellowbird, Yellow Poll.


Modern Name: Cardinal

Scientific Name: Cardinal cardinalis

Folknames and Names: Arizona Cardinal, Cardenal Rojo, Cardinal Bird, Cardinal Grosbeck, Cardinal Redbird, Common Cardinal, Crested Redbird, Florida Cardinal, Gray-tailed Cardinal, Kentucky Cardinal, Redbird, Red Bluejay, Red Cardinal, Red Grosbeak, Rota Fogel, Virginia Cardinal, Virginia Nightingale, Virginia Redbird.

*introduced into the Hawai'ian Islands (Hawai'i, Kaua'i, Lana'i, Maui, Moloka'i, Maui, O'ahu).


Modern Name: Dark-eyed Junco

Scientific Name: Junco hyemalis

Folknames and Names: Bad-weather Bird, Black Chipping Bird, Black Snowbird, Blue Bird, Blue Snowbird, Blue Sparrow, Carolina Junco, Cassiar Junco, Chip Bird, Chipping Bird, Chippy, Common Snowbird, Eastern Junco, Goose Bird, Gray-headed Junco, Gray Snowbird, Grey Bird, Guadalupe Junco, Hen Bird, Ivory-billed Bluebird, Junco, Male Bird, Montana Junco, Mountain Junco, Nevada Junco, Nonne, Nonette, Point Lobos Junco, Pink-sided Junco, Oregon Junco, Red-backed Junco, Ridgway's Junco, Sierra Junco, Shufeldt's Junco, Slate-colored Junco, Slate-colored Snowbird, Snowbird, Snow Sparrow, Thurber's Junco, Tip, Titoc, Tomtit, White-bill, White-tail, White-winged Junco.


Modern Name: Song Sparrow

Scientific Name: Melospiza melodia

Folknames and Names: Alameda Song Sparrow, Aleutian Song Sparrow, Bischoff's Song Sparrow, Brown Song Sparrow, Bush Sparrow, Desert Song Sparrow, Dakota Song Sparrow, Everybody's Darling, Gealbhonn, Glaiseun, Grass Bird, Grey Bird, Ground-bird, Ground Sparrow, Hedge Sparrow, Heermann Song Sparrow, Heiermann's Song Sparrow, Kenai Song Sparrow, Kodiak Song Sparrow, March Sparrow, Mendocino Song Sparrow, Merrill Song Sparrow, Mountain Song Sparrow, Red Grass-bird, Rossignol, Rusty Song Sparrow, Sooty Song Sparrow, Samuel's Song Sparrow, San Diego Song Sparrow, San Clemente Song Sparrow, Santa Barbara Song Sparrow, Shbeds'l, Silver Tongue, Song Sparrow, Spring Bird, Swamp Finch, Yakutat Song Sparrow.


Modern Name: Bobolink

Scientific Name: Dolichonyx aryzivorus

Folknames and Names: American Bobolink, American Ortolan, Bob, Bob-lincoln, Butter-bird, Chambergo, Chatter Bird, Goglu, May-bird, Meadow-bird, Meadow-wink, October Bird, October Pink, Ortolan, Pink, Reed-bird, Reedfogel, Rice-bird, Robert, Roberti Towhee, Skunk Bird, Skunk Blackbird, Skunk-head Blackbird, Towhee, White-winged Blackbird.


Modern Name: Red-winged Blackbird

Scientific Name: Agelaius phoeniceus

Folknames and Names: Blackbird, Caporal, Chirriador, Etourneau, Field Officer, Field Officer Bird, Geai, Geai a Aile Rouge, Harper, Marsh Blackbird, Mayito de la Cienaga, Northwestern Red-wing, Officer Bird, Red-shouldered Blackbird, Red-shouldered Starling, Redwing, Red-winged Grackle, Red-winged Oriole, Red-winged Starling, Rice Bird, Rodfleeg'lter Shdawr, San Diego Red-wing, Soldier Bird, Soldier Blackbird, Swamp Blackbird, Thick-bill Red-wing, Toti de la Cienaga, Tordo Sargento.


Modern Name: Baltimore Oriole

Scientific Name: Isterus galbula

Folknames and Names: Baltimore-bird, Bolsero Colipinto, Calandria Del Norte, English Robin, Firebird, Fire-hang-bird, Golden Bird, Golden Oriole, Golden Robin, Guldt Omshel, Hammock-bird, Hang-bird, Hang-nest, Loriot, Northern Oriole, Orange Bird, Pea-bird.


Modern Name: House Finch

Scientific Name: Carpodacus mexicanus

Folknames and Names: Burion, California Linnet, Carpodaco Domestico, Crimson-fronted Finch, Guadalupe House Finch, Hollywood Linnet, Linnet, McGregor's House Finch, Mexican House Finch, Mexican Rose Finch, Papayabird, Redhead, Red-headed Linnet.

*introduced into the Hawai'ian Islands (Kaua'i, Lana'i, Maui, Moloka'i, Maui, O'ahu).


Modern Name: American Goldfinch

Scientific Name: Carduelis tristis

Folknames and Names: Beet Bird, Catnip, California Goldfinch, Common Goldfinch, Catnip Bird, Eastern Goldfinch, Gale Fogel, Goldfinch, Guldfink, Lettuce-bird, Pale Goldfinch, Salad-bird, Thistle Bird, Western Goldfinch, Wild Canary, Willow Goldfinch, Yellow Bird, Zolawd Fogel, Zolawd Shbeds'l.


Modern Name: English Sparrow

Scientific Name: Passer domesticus

Folknames and Names: Bull Sparrow, Domestic Sparrow, European House Sparrow, Gamin, Glaiseun, Gorrion, Gorrion Domestico, Gorrion Ingles, Grey Bird, Hedge Sparrow, Hoodlum, House Bird, House Sparrow, Manu Liilii, Moineau, Moineau Anglais, Moineau Pierrot, Pinson Anglais, Sparrow, Town Sparrow, Tramp.

*introduced to Hawai'ian Islands (O'ahu, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, Maui).



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This web page was recently created by James Sayre.

Contact author James K. Sayre at Author's Email:

Copyright 2003 by Bottlebrush Press. All Rights Reserved.

Web page last updated on 7 June 2003.